If you’re like a lot of homeowners, you want to do what you can to keep pests out of your home so that you can continue to enjoy your safe and peaceful space. Nobody wants to think about creepy crawlies like spiders, centipedes, or earwigs lurking.
Pests like these can make it hard to relax.
But if it’s in the wintertime, you might be wondering if you really need winter pest control? Many pests are not active in the winter here in our region.
Read on to learn more about winter pest control in Northern Virginia:
In this article, we will dive into what you ought to know about cold weather pests and what you should do if you are experiencing winter pest problems.
At Kingstowne Lawn & Landscape, we care about setting you up for success and also educating you about what you need to know.
Here in Northern Virginia, many outdoor pests become inactive during the winter months. You’ll see a lot less pest activity as many insects do enter a state of hibernation (while others simply die off).
For that reason, most companies do not offer exterior perimeter pest control services during the winter months. Outdoor pest control in winter is not necessary and we want to help ensure you are getting the most value out of your investment.
That’s not to say that there are never pest problems in the winter. There are some cold weather pests that can still cause problems, which we will talk about in the next section.
However, these winter pest problems are more likely to occur inside and will likely require exterminator services to address.
At Kingstowne Lawn & Landscape, our last perimeter pest control application is in November and will hold most homeowners through the winter season, since the pests we target are not typically active after that time.
Many pests either hibernate or die off in the winter. However, there are some pests that might be active in the winter. Rodents and cockroaches are two examples of common winter pests.
Both of these pests are constantly in search of food and shelter and will come inside of people’s homes if they can find what they need there.
If you suspect that you have a problem with a winter pest like a rodent or a cockroach, you may need interior exterminator services.
Outdoor pests that have found their way inside might also attempt to “overwinter” there. Pests like spiders and ants would prefer to be warm and cozy in your home than dealing with the harsh elements outdoors.
During their active season (Spring through Fall), you can prevent these pests from coming inside in the first place with perimeter pest control services.
As we mentioned, many outdoor pests stop being active in the winter. But there are some that will attempt to find their way inside of people’s homes to have a cozy (and warm) spot to hang out.
Once inside, most winter pests will simply hunker down and wait out the cold-weather months. Most of these pests won’t breed or eat during this time but will instead enter into their hibernation state in a cozy corner they’ve found.
Even so, we understand you don’t want pests in your home (whether they’re lazily chilling or not).
Investing in perimeter pest control during the active pest season is an effective way to keep pests out and prevent them from finding their way into your home in the first place.
But there are some other steps that you can take to keep pests out of your home during the winter months.
Here are a few things to keep in mind.
To prevent pests from coming inside, you’ll want to try and locate any potential entry points. Oftentimes, these are small cracks and crevices. Even cracks as tiny as ⅛-inch wide can be the entryway for pests coming into your home. You want to make sure that any openings or cracks are patched or sealed.
Look for any potential places where pests might be crawling in. A garage door that is not properly touching the ground can become an entry point for pests, too.
Be sure to eliminate openings around door frames and windows and replace torn screens that might give flying insects a clear flight path into your home.
As the weather cools down, pests that are in your yard will be looking for places to hunker down. Any trash or debris around the yard can become a hiding spot. Pests will commonly hide underneath leaves or small branches that have not been cleaned up.
Messy landscaping can cause similar issues. Overgrown shrubs, tree limbs touching the home, or even tall grass that is overdue to be mowed all end up becoming places where pests hang out. And the more pests you have hanging around your home, the more likely the chance they’ll find their way inside.
You’ll also want to consider relocating your wood pile further from your home as this is an incredibly common hang-out spot for pests, including mice and other rodents. While we know winter is the time when you might want your wood pile close by (if you have an indoor fireplace), you will make it easier for pests to get indoors.
You can cover your wood pile to discourage pests from turning it into their personal motel. Make sure to cover wood piles tight as pooling water on tarps ultimately becomes a mosquito breeding ground during mosquito season. You don’t want to create new pest problems for yourself.
Many pests do prefer a moist environment, which is one of the reasons they are commonly found in basements and bathrooms.
One way that you can reduce household moisture is with a dehumidifier. Dehumidifiers work by collecting water from the air. Since many household pests like moisture and humidity, you’ll make it a less hospitable environment for them to live in.
Leaks are another common source of moisture. Make an effort to fix any leaks you have around your home to make these environments less appealing to pests.
If you’re dealing with a major interior pest problem in the winter, you may require exterminator services. This will help eradicate an existing problem. Then, going forward, you can invest in perimeter pest control to initiate a preventative strategy.
At Kingstowne Lawn & Landscape, our perimeter pest service is offered from March through November. This is the prime, active season for pests here in Northern Virginia and the optimal time to keep them out.
When it comes to getting the results and the service that you desire, you want to choose wisely amongst perimeter pest control services. Like comparing any other service, you’ll find that no two companies are exactly alike and there are certain aspects that can make a company superior.
We advise looking for a company that takes a no-nonsense approach to pest control.
We know that there are plenty of service companies that like to play games. They sell you the most basic package they offer knowing that you’re not going to be covered. Then they spend a lot of time upselling you. Find a company that will give you the full story from the start.
You also want to work with a company that communicates well and keeps you informed of what they’re doing. And you want a company that is focused on being proactive. Keeping pests out of your home during the spring, summer, and fall, will help ensure you don’t have a winter pest problem.
Whether you’ve already noticed pests or you’re just being proactive about preventing them, we know you want to feel confident that you’re getting the most value for your investment. We believe you should be able to enjoy your yard without having to worry about unwanted visits from annoying pests.
Learn more about hiring a pest control company for your home in Alexandria, Arlington, or Springfield, VA. Get started today and request a free Pest Defense quote and let us give you the royal treatment!
Since 1997, Krisjan has led the Kingstowne team with one simple philosophy, treat every customer like the “only” customer. His passionate pursuit of impeccable customer service has resulted in 24 successful years and a thriving company with over 85 employees, helping thousands of homeowners in the Alexandria, Arlington, and Springfield, VA area get what they want - a worry-free property they can be proud of.
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