While there’s no question that we’re dedicated to growing and developing our team here at Kingstowne Lawn & Landscape, we also know that there’s a whole greater industry that we’re a part of—and we care deeply about growing that, too.
The Green Industry is made up of lawn care and landscape companies across the country. Many of these, like ours, are locally owned and family-oriented businesses that are doing their part to make their local communities better by improving green spaces for their clients but also providing local jobs, too.
That’s why we donate our professional time volunteering for organizations that we believe are bettering our industry in many important ways.
For me, (Krisjan Berzins) that has meant volunteering time with the National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP), our industry’s national organization. It has also included serving with the Landscape Contractors Association (LCA).
For our Director of Client Satisfaction, Serena Corby, that has meant serving on a board at the University of Richmond that oversees the University’s new Customer Experience Certificate Program.
We are honored and passionate about having the opportunity to be involved in our industry at a greater level and would love to tell you a little bit more about our experiences.
I can personally say that I have been both humbled and honored to be able to be part of these greater opportunities to give back to the industry that has been so good to me and my team.
The LCA is an association designed to advance the success of landscape professionals and businesses by providing education on industry best practices and connecting the industry in various ways. I am new to the LCA Board of Directors and very much enjoying connecting with some of the Green Industry’s top leaders. The LCA is committed to fostering a culture of training and safety, both of which are incredibly important to us at Kingstowne Lawn & Landscape, as well.
Our industry will only continue to improve with more landscape companies striving to be better.
At the NALP, I am part of the Workforce Committee, which is focused on new and creative ways to attract people to the Green Industry. A lot of people may not realize that the landscape industry is facing a workforce crisis and we need to find innovative ways that we can attract people and show them that this is a viable and long-term career path.
Some of the ways that we are doing that is by showing that the Green Industry is interested in new technology and robotics. We’re also committed to helping the environment and practicing eco-friendly landscaping.
Our hope is to create a swell of interest in young people so the NALP is even providing resources on speaking at Career Days for children as young as elementary school. We’re playing the long game and finding ways that we can start changing the perception of the Green Industry in the eyes of tomorrow’s workforce—while also addressing the more immediate need by finding ways to appeal to Gen Z and those coming out of high school or college.
These are all subjects I’m incredibly passionate about which is why I love giving my time. There are so many wonderful things about the Green Industry and I’m proud to be a part of it.
In talking to Serena, I know that she is also passionate about giving back. But Serena’s passion is focused on customer service. Here at Kingstowne Lawn & Landscape, Serena manages a team of nine Client Care representatives. We take the customer experience incredibly seriously and go above and beyond when it comes to working with our clients.
Serena is excellent in this role so it’s no surprise she was asked by the University of Richmond to be on a board overseeing their new Customer Experience Certificate program (offered through the School of Professional & Continuing Services).
I asked Serena to share a little bit about why she volunteers her time.
“I sit on a Customer Experience Advisory Board that oversees this new certificate program,” Serena explains. “We are a group of diverse, innovative, and well-connected executives coming from many different backgrounds. My own background is diverse in that I have experience not only in small business customer service but also in corporate America. I also have my social work degree and have worked in the social work field. So, I am able to provide a broad perspective on working with people.”
As a board member, Serena says that she is also participating in the program and taking the actual classes. Going through the classes and earning the certificate herself gives her first-hand experience.
Serena admits that many people would not traditionally think of the Green Industry as being “customer service focused,” but many companies like Kingstowne Lawn & Landscape are looking to change that.
“I read a quote in a trade publication from a landscape professional that said we are not in the landscaping business, we are in the people business doing landscaping,” Serena says. “That has stuck with me and that’s absolutely how Kingstowne views it. Now, by participating in this program and sitting on this board, I’m gaining even greater perspective. The customer experience is so central to our success. At the end of the day, we’re serving people in this community. We’re solving their problems and we’re making their lives easier.”
We believe that the constant evolution of our industry as a whole is ultimately good for our company, too. We are a company that cares. We care about our people and our team. We care about our clients. And we also care about our industry as a whole.
We’re also always looking to add to our growing team. If you’re someone who loves the outdoors or is looking for a career with stable hours and opportunities for growth, then a role with Kingstowne Lawn & Landscape might be a great fit for you.
If you’re one of our customers (or prospective customers), then we hope this has given you some insight into what we’re all about, as well as how we strive to continually improve.
If you’d like to consider a lawn care technician career, we invite you to learn more about Kingstowne Lawn & Landscape by visiting our Career Center and learning even more about our open positions.
If you’re a client, perhaps you’d like to learn more about how Kingstowne offers the best customer service experience and results for projects and maintenance at your Alexandria, Arlington, or Springfield, VA home. If so, request your consultation, get your customized plan, and relax as you get the royal treatment.