Understanding lawn care timing in Arlington, VA can feel complicated. But applying products at the wrong time can directly impact their effectiveness. It’s important that you stick to a proper lawn care schedule if you care about maximizing your investment.
Our region's lawn care season traditionally starts in early spring (sometimes before springtime is even calendar “official”). Knowing when to start spring lawn care is important to ensure you’re getting the most out of your lawn care program.
We’ll answer some of your most common questions and give pointers to help set you up for success this season.
In this article, we’ll cover:
We asked Grant Osvalds, our Director of Lawn Care, to share some of his best advice and what we do here at Kingstowne Lawn & Landscape.
We are all about education and transparency, and we want to help you make the best possible decisions for your Arlington, VA lawn.
As far as when to start spring lawn care, Grant says the Old Farmer’s Almanac states that between Valentine’s Day and Tax Day is the best time of the year for the start of lawn care programs in our region.
That gives a general guideline of when it’s important to get started with lawn care applications, but ultimately, the best decision is based on soil temperatures, says Grant.
One of the important early spring services that needs to be performed is the application of crabgrass pre-emergent.
Crabgrass pre-emergent (sometimes called “crabgrass preventer”) is a weed prevention product that works by forming a barrier near the surface of the lawn which will intercept germinating crabgrass seeds before they can grow. This will prevent the majority of crabgrass from growing in the first place.
But that all boils down to applying it before crabgrass germinates, urges Grant. This is where soil temperatures come into play.
“Crabgrass tends to germinate when soil temperatures are between 60 and 65 degrees, so ideally we want to get pre-emergent down before that time,” Grant says. “We usually start applications when soil temperatures are between 45 and 55 degrees. Often, this means starting spring lawn care in mid- to late February, but that can be different every year.”
Grant says there are years when snow on the ground has delayed things and others when they’re ready to go by February 1st. The lawn care team is closely watching the weather and soil temperatures to make this decision.
Grass coming out of dormancy is dependent on soil temperatures and grass type.
Different grass types respond differently, explains Grant.
“Fescue grass, which we seed with, comes out of dormancy around 55 degrees,” says Grant. “Ryegrass, which we also see in the area, does have a lower temperature threshold and may pop up sooner.”
Grant says this is a common reason for lawns to grow grass in what appears to be patches.
“In mid- to late March it is not uncommon to see some discrepancy in the lawn, particularly since you probably have more than one grass type and it might germinate at slightly different times,” he explains. “There can also be soil temperature variation in different areas of the lawn that cause it to come in faster in some spots over others. This is not cause for concern. Just give the lawn some time.”
While it’s common for lawns to look partially filled in during March, Grant says that by the first week of April, most lawns are starting to look pretty uniform.
“We commonly get questions about why a neighbor’s lawn might look better or different and often this comes down to variations in soil temperatures and grass type,” Grant says. “Some lawns might receive more sunlight or have issues with drainage. There are lots of factors that play into it, but by April, most lawns are starting to look filled-in and uniform.”
As you get ready for professional lawn services in the spring, cleaning up your yard can help you get the most out of a lawn care program.
“Picking up any debris or organic matter on the lawn will help allow the products to reach the soil, where they are needed,” explains Grant. “This helps sunlight, rain, and airflow to also reach your soil.”
This includes any fallen leaves that might not have been cleaned up previously, branches, and other yard waste.
“You don’t want to give this organic matter a chance to start breaking down and clumping up,” continues Grant. “This can block sunlight and ultimately kill the grass.”
Debris left in the yard can also sometimes be an attractor to lawn pests that will take cover underneath it.
At Kingstowne Lawn & Landscape, our first round of lawn care applications includes a custom-blended granular product with fertilizer and pre-emergent crabgrass control.
Grant says this first-round application will help get your lawn care program off on the right foot. That early spring fertilizer will help give your grass a boost of nutrients needed to start growing, while the pre-emergent product will help stop crabgrass from germinating.
Lawn fertilizer will continue throughout the spring, summer, and fall. It helps feed your grass plants with vital nutrients needed for the grass to grow and thrive. The key nutrients that a lawn needs are Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K). Each of these nutrients has different benefits to help the lawn.
Homeowners sometimes ask us, 'What happens if I missed that first round application?'
We know that life gets busy and people sometimes forget to set up their professional lawn care services ahead of time. Now, “spring has sprung,” and you’re wondering if it’s too late.
Grant says he still works with new clients even after spring has started.
“Crabgrass control is the most critical factor when it comes to lawn care timing,” he says. “But there is some wiggle room as our second application also contains pre-emergent crabgrass control but also has some post-emergent for any crabgrass breakthrough.”
“Our goal is to hold off crabgrass as much as possible but some breakthrough can always occur, so we give it that booster shot,” he continues. “If you missed the first round, we can still help you get your crabgrass under control. We usually apply our pre-emergent through April but we ultimately switch to only attacking crabgrass with a post-emergent after it has all germinated.”
Remember, too, that we have plenty of other weeds to deal with here in Arlington, VA. Our lawn care program takes a comprehensive approach to dealing with different weeds in different seasons. Crabgrass is one of the biggest headaches regarding spring lawn care.
While it’s true that you could tackle lawn care on your own, many homeowners have found that DIY lawn care is more complicated than they realized. If you truly care about getting the best results, you’ll probably want to consider professional lawn services. Hiring a pro also means removing the guesswork of figuring out the right lawn care schedules, as you can feel confident a pro has it handled.
Plenty of choices exist when it comes to finding lawn care in Northern VA. That’s why you must put time into researching the companies that you’re considering.
As you choose the right professional lawn services for your property, we hope you’ll consider adding Kingstowne Lawn & Landscape. Our company is all about offering customers the “royal treatment.”
Of course, we aren’t asking you to just take our word for being a company that will meet your needs, but we certainly invite you to still research and come to your own conclusion about which company to switch to.
Ultimately, your well-researched and wise choice will determine how satisfied you are with your lawn care results. After going through so much trouble, you deserve to be happy.
Are you ready to have a healthy and thriving lawn from a lawn care company that delivers on their promises? Request your quote, choose from our three lawn care package options, and relax as you get the royal treatment.
Since 1997, Krisjan has led the Kingstowne team with one simple philosophy, treat every customer like the “only” customer. His passionate pursuit of impeccable customer service has resulted in 24 successful years and a thriving company with over 85 employees, helping thousands of homeowners in the Alexandria, Arlington, and Springfield, VA area get what they want - a worry-free property they can be proud of.
If You're Looking For a Sign, This is It.
Seriously, that lawn isn't getting any better on it's own. Mrs. Jones just called the HOA on you