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lawn care team mowing an arlington virginia lawn

Why Weekly Mowing is the Best Lawn Maintenance Schedule for Your Lawn

Lawn mowing is one of those services that can sometimes be an afterthought. Homeowners know that it must be done, or their lawn will start to look like an overgrown mess, but they don’t think too much about how or even when it’s performed.

Unfortunately, this can be detrimental to the lawn. Failure to mow properly, including on the right schedule, can impact the lawn’s health and performance.

Even if you feel you can live with your lawn being a little taller, mowing every two weeks instead of weekly is not ideal for overall health.

Here, we’ll explain that you should opt for weekly mowing if you want the healthiest and best-looking lawn.

Why is Weekly Mowing the Optimal Choice?

The main reason why weekly mowing is a best practice is that it doesn’t put as much stress on the lawn’s health. After all, you have to remember that your lawn is made up of all these different grass plants, and as with any plant, cutting it can cause stress.

However, cutting more frequently is much less stressful on the grass than waiting more than a week between mows and making a drastic cut. That’s because you’re cutting a smaller amount of the grass height at a time.

Ideally, you want to cut a maximum of one-third from the tip of the grass blade to make the cut the least traumatic. When you cut more than that, your grass is likely to turn yellow as it struggles from the stress that it’s been put under.

Is Mowing Every Two Weeks an Option?

If weekly mowing is the best practice, you might wonder why some lawn companies make bi-weekly mowing an option. At Kingstowne Lawn & Landscape, we have always been appreciated for our honesty and transparency, and this is no different with our mowing plans.

We tell homeowners that weekly mowing is best for their lawns, and that's why it's our only option.

While we have always aimed to be flexible and meet our clients’ specific needs, doing what's best for lawns is essential. That’s why we offer weekly mowing plans, from March through early November.

Note: Whether your lawn care provider offers weekly or bi-weekly mowing, schedule changes due to weather and grass growth are realities of any lawn mowing service.

Professional mowing providers should assess lawn conditions with each visit and make changes as conditions dictate.


Some clients prefer bi-weekly mowing because they’re not aiming to have the best lawn on the block-they just want it mowed before it gets completely out of control. We are clear that this will impact the lawn’s vigor and overall green color.

Some homeowners also want bi-weekly mowing because it best fits their budget. Of course, it’s important to note that weekly mowing saves money when you break down the price per service. Yes, you pay more in total, but the cost per service is less.

Most bi-weekly mowing clients may also not be lawn care clients. Because lawn care services like fertilization will make the grass grow even faster, keeping up with weekly mowing when your lawn receives treatments is even more critical.

It’s also counterproductive to invest in lawn care, which will help promote the overall health of your lawn, and then not mow regularly. Poor mowing habits can undo all of the hard work and progress from a lawn care program.

How Lawn Mowing Practices Impact Lawn Health

Some of our clients who handle their mowing make timing and other mistakes that impact the quality of their lawn’s health and are a significant source of frustration.

Here are two common mowing mistakes that can impact your lawn care results.

Mow Height: Grass should be cut no shorter than 3 to 3.5 inches as anything further puts unnecessary stress on the lawn. Even if you’re performing weekly mowing, cutting the grass too short could still turn yellow from stress. When you mow too short, you also invite weeds into your lawn. Opportunistic weeds are much more likely to invade weakened lawns than dense, thriving ones.

Dull Blades: Another common mistake is mowing the lawn with a dull blade. A lawn should be mowed with a sharp blade to promote health, making a clean cut. A dull blade leaves your grass blades jagged and prone to disease. It will likely also turn yellow from the stress of the poor cut.


Because these mistakes are easy to make with a DIY approach to mowing, it may be easier to just hand these services over to a pro. A professional plan should include detail services like string trimming, edging near hard surfaces and cleanup (blowing or bagging) following each visit.

Choosing Professional Mowing Services in Alexandria, Arlington, and Springfield, VA

Choosing professional mowing services’ll support your lawn’s optimal health and have professional-looking results. Plus, you’ll also take the burden off of your plate. Most homeowners find mowing a burden they must make time for (usually on their weekend, when they’d rather be doing something else).

If you only have time to mow on the weekends, you’ve probably also noticed how one weekend’s bad weather can mean pushing mowing off and making one of those traumatic cuts because your lawn is suddenly out of control.

However, when you hand your mowing services over to a professional, that burden is now off your shoulders. You won’t have to worry about the timing or setting aside an hour of the weekend. Instead, it just gets done for you—and you have a professional-looking, impressive lawn.


After all, when we perform mowing, we’re also doing some of the value-added services that come along with it, like edging around hard surfaces for a clean look. We’re also blowing off all of your hard surfaces with a blower. These are added tasks that you no longer have to worry about.

Plus, if your lawn has some fallen debris like small twigs or leaves, those will get mulched up and mixed into the lawn to break down and add nutrients. While that’s certainly no substitute for leaf removal during the prime fall months, it will keep your lawn looking neat when extra debris falls.

Start Your Premium Lawn Maintenance Plan With Kingstowne

If you’re reading this article, you probably care about your lawn care results. You’re most likely wondering how often you should mow because you want to mow the right amount for your lawn’s health. Instead of worrying about this, you can hand your mowing services for your Alexandria, Arlington, or Springfield, VA home over to a pro and know that you will get the best results.

Put simply, mowing has a much more significant impact than people tend to realize in how their lawn looks and performs. But by working with a professional who follows best practices, you’ll begin to see an impressive difference.

Are you ready to have a healthy and thriving lawn from a lawn maintenance company that delivers on its promises? Request your quote and relax as you get the royal treatment.

Krisjan Berzins - Owner, CEO

Krisjan Berzins - Owner, CEO

Since 1997, Krisjan has led the Kingstowne team with one simple philosophy, treat every customer like the “only” customer. His passionate pursuit of impeccable customer service has resulted in 24 successful years and a thriving company with over 85 employees, helping thousands of homeowners in the Alexandria, Arlington, and Springfield, VA area get what they want - a worry-free property they can be proud of.

Lawn Maintenance from Kingstowne

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