Although we sometimes think of the winter as a period of rest or a time to take a break, the truth is, if you’re someone who cares about having a gorgeous property, the winter can be a great time to keep up with landscaping. The last thing that you want to do is allow your property to really fall behind so that it is a mess when Spring rolls around.
Of course, you might be wondering what winter landscaping tasks are most important?
In this article, we’ll talk about some of the winter landscape maintenance work that can be performed in Northern Virginia to keep your landscape in the best possible shape. Here’s what you should know.
Although we do have some chilly days and some snow, the only landscaping task we really don’t do in the winter is planting. We typically advise against installing plants during the winter as potential freezing conditions can make their transplant period difficult.
That being said, let’s dive into some of the specific tasks that we can perform for winter landscaping.
There are certain plants (like ornamental grasses) and certain trees (like Crape Myrtle) that are best pruned during the winter. These cutbacks are important to have performed before the spring so that you can get the full potential out of these plants.
If you have trees on your Northern Virginia property then you know that they can make an absolute mess in the fall and winter. At Kingstowne Lawn & Landscape, with our professional leaf cleanup services, we are coming out every two to three weeks to perform leaf cleanup and removal.
While three visits will usually cover it, if your property has a lot of trees, you might need more visits, extending later into the season.
When it comes to winter landscape maintenance work, gutter cleaning is also really important.
Leaves and debris left piling up in gutters during the winter can lead to something called “ice dams.” This is when the frozen blocks of ice in your gutters start to hold standing water on your roof (like a dam). This can cause water to seep underneath your shingles and drip into your attic or down your interior walls. It can also lead to the eventual failure of your gutter system.
On the lawn care side, another really important winter task that we’re performing is limestone application. This is to help raise the pH of the soil. If you want your lawn to look lush, green, and healthy in the spring, this is very important. Ultimately, it is good soil health that will help your lawn perform its best.
Each year, we’re also paying close attention to the soil temperatures and starting pre-emergent applications when the soil reaches a certain temperature. Oftentimes, this will start as early as February.
Pre-emergent controls are incredibly important to our weed control program as it is these applications that prevent pesky weeds from growing in the first place. But hitting “just the right” window is critical. Pre-emergent controls only work when applied prior to germination.
While not “maintenance” related tasks, we did also want to mention that other landscaping projects can also be tackled in the winter. We work on hardscaping year-round and winter is actually a great time to start a project like a patio because we’re typically not as busy.
It’s important to remember that there can be a lot involved in a design/build project, such as an outdoor living area, so starting as early as possible is important. If you want your patio to be ready come Spring or Summer, then the winter is a great time to get everything underway.
Typically, there will be permits that need to be pulled and a period of design and consultation where we perfect your new space (before we even build it). Getting a project like this underway during the “off-season” will help you to “beat the rush.”
At the end of the day, it boils down to the importance of keeping your property looking its best year-round. By ensuring that winter landscape maintenance work is completed, you won’t end up with a period of a messy and unkempt property (and you won’t be playing “catch up” in the spring).
You also won’t have to worry about potential problems from leaf build-up or clogged gutters. These issues can lead to more serious concerns and potentially even damage your home.
While it’s true that you could tackle some of these services yourself, chances are, you’re busy and you have better ways to spend your free time than attempting to keep up with DIY landscaping.
By having a professional to tackle winter landscape maintenance work and more, you won’t have to deal with the burden or worry about finding the time. Instead, you’ll simply be able to relax knowing that your Northern Virginia property is getting everything that it needs, no matter what the season.
If you want to know that your landscape is in good hands no matter what the season, request a consultation, get your customized plan, and relax as we give you the royal treatment.
Since 1997, Krisjan has led the Kingstowne team with one simple philosophy, treat every customer like the “only” customer. His passionate pursuit of impeccable customer service has resulted in 24 successful years and a thriving company with over 85 employees, helping thousands of homeowners in the Alexandria, Arlington, and Springfield, VA area get what they want - a worry-free property they can be proud of.
If You're Looking For a Sign, This is It.
Seriously, that lawn isn't getting any better on it's own. Mrs. Jones just called the HOA on you