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lawn care team uses hand-held spray to treat lawn

5 Questions to Always Ask a Lawn Care Company in Northern VA

If you’ve looked into choosing lawn care services in Northern Virginia, you might feel like the process is a bit daunting. There are a lot of options and you may not have any idea how to separate one company from another.

One way to get started is to do some research. After all, you want to have a better sense of who you’re hiring and what they can offer. Asking questions is one of the best ways that you can do this.

To help out, we’ve rounded up a list of questions to ask before hiring a lawn care company. These will help you get a much better sense of whether or not it’s a smart choice.

Questions to Ask a Lawn Care Company in Northern Virginia

We understand that knowing what questions to ask before hiring a lawn care company might feel daunting by itself. You want to be an educated consumer but you’re not sure what you should be asking about.

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a list of questions that we think will help you get to the bottom of whether or not this is a company worth hiring.

1. Who Leads Your Company—and Who Works There?

You’ve probably come across this before when searching for some sort of service and spending time on a company’s website. You try to figure out who is leading the company and some sense of who works there, but there’s absolutely no information on the company’s website.

kingstowne lawn and landscape team

In fact, they might even have an “About Us” page but it just leads to some generic information about the company. Maybe their website has photos of people “working,” but they’re just stock images! This is frustrating as you want to have some sense of who you’re hiring.

kingstowne lawn and landscape team

We’ve had this experience before and we don’t like it. You don’t want to feel like you’re blindingly hiring a company. That’s why we have an About Us page that talks a little bit about our company as well as a Meet Our Team page, which actually allows you to see the faces of the people who work for our team.

We know this is important to our clients and prospective clients because it’s important to us as consumers, too.

2. How Long Have You Been Around?

When choosing lawn care services, you also want to make sure that you’re choosing a reputable company that is established in your area.

One of the things that can give our industry as a whole a bad name is the fact that there are definitely fly-by-night lawn care companies out there that pop up. They’re there one day, working on lawns in your neighborhood, but several months later they’re no longer around.

lawn care specialist meeting with homeowners

That’s why you should ask a company how long they have been around.

You might even be able to get to the bottom of this information yourself by looking at the Company History page on their website (assuming they have one). In most cases, a fly-by-night company is not even likely to have a website so that’s a definite red flag by itself!

3. Are you Licensed to be Applying Products on my Lawn?

Of the questions to ask before hiring a lawn care company, this is another important one. Unfortunately, there are unreputable companies out there that are not keeping their licensure up-to-date. So, don’t be afraid to come right out and ask if the company you’re considering is licensed.

lawn care technician spraying lawn

You might also want to ask who will be applying the products and whether they are trained. You can also look at a company’s website for proof of how seriously they take training.

At Kingstowne Lawn & Landscape, training our lawn care technicians is a top priority and we are transparent in the ways in which we do this.

4. What Products are You Using?

You might be surprised to know that not all lawn care companies are using the same products. We often find that homeowners assume this is the case but in reality, you could end up hiring a “professional” who is using products you could purchase at the hardware store yourself!

technician spraying lawn for weeds

When choosing lawn care services, you want to make sure that you’re choosing a company that invests in high-quality, professional-grade products as these are going to get you the best results. You certainly don’t want to hire a lawn care company that is purchasing cheap, store-bought products in an attempt to make extra money off of you.

5. What is Your Environmental Impact?

Finally, we know that many homeowners in Northern Virginia care deeply about the environment, so you may also want to ask your lawn care company about their level of commitment to being environmentally friendly with their program?

Some companies are more serious about this than others.

lawn care team fertilizing lawn with walk behind spreader

At Kingstowne Lawn & Landscape, we take multiple steps to be as eco-friendly as possible. We take a selective weed control approach, we don’t overapply fertilizer, we use walk-behind spreaders, and we are even investing in electric equipment. We are also careful to meet or exceed the standards of the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation.

Making Your Wise Choice

Choosing lawn care services might feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. By performing some due diligence on the front end, you can feel confident that you’re making a wise choice and will be happy with your decision.

Ultimately, that will boil down to peace of mind that you’ve chosen a lawn care company near Alexandria, Arlington, or Springfield, VA that will help you to get the best results with an overall great experience, too.

If you want to be able to feel confident your lawn is getting everything that it needs from a company that you can count on, request your quote, choose from 3 lawn care program options, and relax as you get the royal treatment.

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Krisjan Berzins - Owner, CEO

Krisjan Berzins - Owner, CEO

Since 1997, Krisjan has led the Kingstowne team with one simple philosophy, treat every customer like the “only” customer. His passionate pursuit of impeccable customer service has resulted in 24 successful years and a thriving company with over 85 employees, helping thousands of homeowners in the Alexandria, Arlington, and Springfield, VA area get what they want -- a worry-free property they can be proud of.

If You're Looking For a Sign, This is It.

Seriously, that lawn isn't getting any better on it's own. Mrs. Jones just called the HOA on you